Please prepare a 2-page publication-ready PDF summary of your paper following the IEEE Formatting Instructions (A4, 2 columns).
- The summary should clearly describe motivation and approach of your research as well as specific results and their significance, including figures.
- Sources must be cited as IEEE will check for plagiarism.
- The program committee will review all submissions and make a decision by mid June.
- If your paper is accepted for presentation at the conference, your 2-page summary will be published in our proceedings and submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing databases.
- Please remark that each Author can present a maximum of two contributions (oral or poster).
Our paper submission process consists of 3 required steps:
1 — PDF validation with IEEE PDF eXpress®
- Create your personal PDF eXpress account using our conference ID 64393X.
- Generate or validate your summary PDF file with PDF eXpress, IEEE will reject all other PDF files. The document must not exceed two pages and the file size must be limited to 2 MB.
- Download your validated PDF file and the 10-digit Paper ID number created by PDF eXpress: they are required for the next steps.
2 — Transfer copyright to IEEE
- Please fill out the form below, and press the “submit” button to be redirected to the IEEE e-copyright system and finalize the copyright transfer process on the IEEE web site.
- Download your signed IEEE copyright form (PDF): it is required for the final submission step.
3 — Final paper submission
- Fill out the form below and submit both the PDF files generated during step 1 and 2. Please avoid special characters.
- You will receive a confirmation mail from Please check in your spam folder.
- Please do not use this form to resubmit updated versions of previously submitted papers. Instead, reply to the submission confirmation e-mail and attach your updated PDFexpress file.
- Please make sure that all fields are filled out correctly. Paper title, authors, and affiliations will be published in the conference program exactly as given here.
- Incomplete submissions or PDF files of other format will not be accepted.