Synopsys RSoft Products Workshop:
Mixed-Level Optical Modeling Combining Rigorous EM and Ray-Level Techniques
Friday, 15 July 2016, 13:00-16:30
Nanoscience Hub, University of Sydney, Australia
Instructor: Mayank Bahl
Attendance at this workshop is free but registration is required. Seating is limited and not all registrations will be accepted. To register, go to Synopsys RSoft Mixed-level workshop and follow instructions. Attendees are strongly encouraged to pre-install the Synopsys RSoft Photonic Component Design Suite and LightTools. Software installation instructions and trial license files will be emailed to registered participants prior to the workshop. Some local computers with pre-installed software will also be available for registered attendees.
This no-cost, hands-on workshop will demonstrate how Synopsys’ RSoft™ and LightTools® software products provide a mixed-level simulation framework for combining wave-level and ray-level techniques. While the focus of the workshop will be optimal LED optical design, the methodology extends to a wide variety of applications including OLEDs, photovoltaics, automotive and augmented reality. You do not need to be a current user of Synopsys RSoft products or LightTools to attend the workshop. Synopsys will provide you with trial licenses of the software prior to the workshop.
Due to the range and scales of geometric structures used in LEDs and OLEDs and the importance of simulating coherent effects arising from near/sub wavelength patterned structures, a variety of numerical techniques are required to efficiently and accurately analyze and optimize LED/OLED performance. This workshop demonstrates how to use RSoft’s EM wave-based tools to completely characterize scattering from nanostructured surfaces and the far-field angular intensity distribution from the source region. The characteristics are then incorporated into the LightTools ray tracing simulator to obtain overall device performance.
In addition, the workshop will demonstrate a complete data transfer between the RSoft products and LightTools, allowing for rigorous comprehensive modeling including polarization, which is not possible through other means. A brief description of the simulation tools that will be used in this workshop follows.
RSoft FullWAVE™ simulation tool employs the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method to perform a full-vector simulation of photonic structures. It is a highly sophisticated tool for studying the propagation of light in a wide variety of photonic structures, including integrated and fiber-optic waveguide devices, as well as circuits and nanophotonic devices such as photonic crystals. FullWAVE's award-winning, innovative design and feature set has made it the market leader among optical device simulation tools.
RSoft DiffractMOD™ is a design and simulation tool for diffractive optical structures such as diffractive optical elements, subwavelength periodic structures, and photonic bandgap crystals. It is based on the Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis (RCWA) technique that has been implemented using advanced algorithms including fast Fourier factorization and generalized transmission line formulation. Already a market leader, the tool has extensive applications in a broad range of areas including semiconductor manufacturing and wave optics.
LightTools is a 3D optical engineering and design software product that supports Monte Carlo ray tracing, virtual prototyping, simulation, optimization, and photorealistic renderings of illumination applications. Its unique design and analysis capabilities, combined with ease of use, support for rapid design iterations, and automatic system optimization, help to ensure the delivery of illumination designs according to specifications and schedule.