Connecting Theory and Application of Optoelectronic Devices  
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1-4 September 2014

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Paper Submission

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Author Information

Oral Presentations: Your presentation should clearly describe motivation and methodology of your research as well as novel results and their significance. A Windows computer and an LCD projector are available at the conference with Power Point and Adobe Reader installed. Please inform the organizers by the registration deadline if you need a projector for transparencies or other special equipment. The presentation time limit is:

  • 25 min for invited papers (plus 5 min discussion)
  • 15 min for regular papers (plus 5 min discussion)
  • 10 min for postdeadline papers (plus 5 min discussion)

To avoid delays during your session, please copy your presentation file from your USB memory stick to the conference computer before your session starts and use your paper number as file name, e.g., TuA7.ppt.

Posters must be attached to the assigned poster board before the poster session starts. The poster space is 118cm wide and 146cm high, push pins are being provided. During the poster session, presenters must be available for discussion at their poster. Posters should be removed after the poster session, any poster left will be discarded.

Copyright: All authors must transfer the copyright of their NUSOD-14 summary to IEEE electronically by 31 May 2014 (except postdeadline papers).

Special Journal Issue: All authors will have the opportunity to publish expanded versions of their NUSOD '14 paper in a Special Journal Issue. The online submission deadline for this issue is Friday, 26 September 2014.

Cancellation Policy: You are required to register before the registration deadline on 25 July 2014 and to present your paper at the conference. If you are unable to personally attend the conference, please name a replacement speaker or poster presenter (e-mail to piprek(at) Papers without registered presenter will be removed from the program and from the proceedings. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from IEEExplore if the paper is not presented at the conference.

Please give your paper number as listed in the online program in any correspondence.



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