Connecting Theory and Application of Optoelectronic Devices  
Conference | Software | Services


24-27 Sept. 2007

Short Courses

We are expanding our educational effort by offering the following 2-hour short courses:

  Introduction to Optoelectronic Device Simulation (SC0701)
Joachim Piprek, NUSOD Institute, United States
  Semiconductor Laser Instabilities and Dynamics (SC0702)
Uwe Bandelow, WIAS Institute, Germany
  Photonic Crystal Devices and Integrated Circuits (SC0703)
Ahmed Sharkawy, EM Photonics Inc., United States

The short course schedule is given in the conference program. The fee per short course is $100/$150 before/after September 9, 2007. It includes a printed copy of the short course slides.


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