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Software Directory

General Device Physics
Electronic Devices
Optoelectronic Devices

- Lasers

- LEDs

- Solar Cells

Photonic Devices
Optical Systems
RF Devices
Growth & Processing




Semiconductor Nanostructures

( - free software available)
1D Poisson (Univ. of Notre Dame) - energy band diagrams
Aestimo 1D (Gazi University) - 1D self-consistent Schroedinger-Poisson solver
Aquila - electronic properties of AlGaAs/GaAs nanostructures (1D/2D)
BandEng (Univ. of California) - Schrodinger-Poisson solver
GAIN (Southern Methodist Univ.) - quantum well band structure, gain
nanoHUB (Purdue Univ.) - various software tools>
nextnano - quantum dots, wires, wells
NLCSTR Inc. - quantum well gain, absorption, refractive index
QUANTOPTICON - quantum photonic device simulation
TiberCAD - multiscale device simulator
please send updates to software(at)

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