Journal Issue
A Special Issue of Optical and Quantum Electronics (indexed by SCI and Inspec) will provide the opportunity for NUSOD'11 authors to publish an expanded version of their paper (example). The submission deadline for journal contributions is
30 September 2011.
Only papers presented at the conference are eligible, including post deadline papers. To submit a paper, please sign up with the OQE Editorial Manager and select the article type "SI: NUSOD2011". The page limit is 6 pages (download: Word template, guide).
All journal submissions will be subject to an additional review process and acceptance by the journal is not guaranteed. The guest editors for this issue are
LU Wei, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, China (Primary Guest Editor)
Aldo Di Carlo, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy
Lukas Chrostowski, University of British Columbia, Canada
Mauro Pereira, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Slawek Sujecki, University of Nottingham, UK
Please direct any question about his issue to the primary guest editor LU Wei [luwei(at)].