Author Information
Our online conference features pre-recorded presentation videos hosted by a customized website similar to YouTube. Attendees will be able to post comments and questions. Authors are requested to answer in writing before the end of the conference.
Please pre-record your slideshow video (mp4, 720p, max. 200MB) and clearly describe motivation and methodology of your research as well as novel results and their significance. Powerpoint recording tutorials are available on YouTube. The presentation time limit is:
- 25 min for invited talks
- 15 min for regular talks
- 10 min for postdeadline talks
- 5 min for poster presentations
Video upload instructions were send to corresponding authors on August 18. Please upload your slideshow video before September 7. Papers without video presentation will be removed from the program and from the proceedings.
Journal Publication: All presenters will have the opportunity to publish expanded versions of their NUSOD-20 paper in Optical and Quantum Electronics (indexed by SCI and Inspec). The online submission deadline for journal contributions is on 31 October 2020.