Conference Presentations
Our virtual conference is now closed. Previously registered attendees can still view pesentation videos on our online conference platform hosted at Politecnico di Torino. Many authors also agreed to an open discussion of their presentation on our new YouTube channel
. Two-page summaries are published at IEEE Xplore and are also linked to each talk below, ordered by topic:
Novel Materials and Devices
NM01 Ferrimagnetic garnets for integrated non-reciprocal devices; Martin Veis (1), Lukas Beran (1), Stana Tazlaru (1), Takian Fakhrul (2), Yan Zhang (2), Caroline A. Ross (2) ; (1) Charles University, Czech Republic; (2) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
NM02 Electronic structure of lonsdaleite SiGe alloys; Christopher A. Broderick ; Tyndall National Institute, Ireland (Top-10 Preview)
Electronic and Optical Properties of Hydrogen-Terminated Diamond Doped by Molybdenum Oxide: A Density Functional Theory Study; Joseph McGhee, Vihar P. Georgiev ; University of Glasgow, UK
NM04 Atomistic analysis of band-to-band tunnelling in direct-gap GeSn group-IV alloys; Michael D. Dunne (1), Christopher A. Broderick (1), Mathieu Luisier (2), Eoin P. O'Reilly (1) ; (1) Tyndall National Institute, Ireland; (2) ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Simulation of electro optic modulators based on plasmonic directional couplers; M. Ghomashi, A. Tibaldi, F. Bertazzi, M. Vallone, M. Goano, G. Ghione ; Politecnico di Torino, Italy
A fiber optic probe for thermal therapy ; Alexa Hernández-Arenas (1), Reinher Pimentel-Domínguez (1), J. Rodrigo Vélez-Cordero (2), Juan Hernández-Cordero (1) ; (1) Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales, UNAM. Mexico; (2) Cátedras Conacyt-Instituto de Física, UASLP, Mexico (POST-DEADLINE POSTER)
NM10pd Highly Sensitive Photonic Crystal Gamma Ray Dosimeter ; Mahmoud Salman S. Ibrahim (1 ), Mohamed Farhat O. Hameed (2, 3, 4) , M. Kotb G. Hamed (5) , Mohammed M. El-Okr (5) and S. S. A. Obayya (3) ; (1) El-Arish University, Egypt; (2,3) Zewail City of Science and Technolog, Egypt; (4) Mansoura University, Egypt; (5) Al-Azhar University, Egypt (POST-DEADLINE POSTER)
NM11pd Numerical Investigation of a Plasmonic Biosensor on Flexible Substrate ; Farhan Sadik (1) and Sajid Choudhury (2) ; (1) Daffodil International University, Bangladesh; (2) Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh (POST-DEADLINE POSTER)
N01 Quantum corrections to the efficiency of solar cells with conductive nanostructured layers ; Christin David ; Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany (invited) (preview)
Nucleation chronology and electronic properties of In(As,Sb,P) graded-composition quantum dots ; O. Marquardt (1), T. Boeck (2), A. Trampert (3), K. M. Gambaryan (4) ; (1) WIAS Berlin, Germany; (2) IKZ Berlin, Germany; (3) PDI Berlin, Germany; (4) Yerevan State University, Armenia
(Top-10 Preview)
N03 A Bi quantum film potential as an inverse problem ; Angela Thraenhardt, Fabian Teichert, Eduard Kuhn; Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany
Silicon-Integrated Red-Light Optical Gain Medium Based on BGaAs/GaP Quantum Wells ; H. S. Maczko, R. Kudrawiec, M. Gladysiewicz ; Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
N05pd Hybrid Electro-Optical Pumping of Plasmonic Nanostructures with Gain ; A.A. Vyshnevyy and D.Yu. Fedyanin ; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Federation (POST-DEADLINE TALK)
N06pd Numerical and Experimental Study of Sputtered Mo-Al2O3 Nano Composites for Photothermal Energy Harvesting ; Naznin Akter (1), J.J. Becerril-Gonzalez (2), G. Oskam (2), Nezih Pala (1), and O. Ares-Muzio (2) ; (1) Florida International University, USA; (2) CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico (POST-DEADLINE POSTER)
Challenges in multiphysics modeling of dual-band HgCdTe infrared detectors ; M. Vallone (1), M. Goano (1,2), A. Tibaldi (1,2), S. Hanna (3), D. Eich (3), A. Sieck (3), H. Figgemeier (3), G. Ghione (1), and F. Bertazzi (1,2) ; (1) Politecnico di Torino, Italy; (2) IEIIT-CNR, Italy; (3) AIM Infrarot-Module GmbH, Germany
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D02 Photon Detection Efficiency simulation of InGaAs/InP SPAD ; Fabio Signorelli, Fabio Telesca, Alberto Tosi ; Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Numerical Optimization of Quantum Cascade Detector Heterostructures ; J. Popp (1), M. Haider (1), M. Franckie (2), J. Faist (2), and C. Jirauschek (1) ; (1) Technical University of Munich, Germany; (2) ETH Zurich, Switzerland
D04 Simulation of an Integrated UTC-Photodiode with a High-Speed TIA for 5G mm-Wave Generation ; D. Konstantinou (1) (2) (3), C. Caillaud (2), T. Shivan (3), S. Rommel (1), U. Johannsen (1), F. Blache (2), F. Mallecot (2), V. Krozer (3), and I. Tafur Monroy (1) ; (1) Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands; (2) III-V Lab, France; (3) Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Germany
Enhanced dynamic properties of Ge-on-Si mode-evolution waveguide photodetectors ; A. Palmieri (1), A. Shafiee (1), M. G. C. Alasio (1), A. Tibaldi (1,2), G. Ghione (1), F. Bertazzi (1,2), M. Goano (1,2), and M. Vallone (1) ; (1) Politecnico di Torino, Italy; (2) IEIIT-CNR, Torino, Italy
Scaling Effects on the Plasmonic Enhancement of Butt-Coupled Waveguide Photodetectors ; Qian Ding (1), Saurabh Sant (2), and Andreas Schenk (1) ; (1) ETH Zurich, Switzerland; (2) Infineon Technologies AG, Germany
D07 Numerical simulation on the dependence of carrier transport characteristics on the thickness of the absorbing layer for GaAs-based blocked impurity band (BIB) terahertz detectors ; Xiaodong Wang (1), Yulu Chen (1), Bingbing Wang (1), Chuansheng Zhang (1), Xiaoyao Chen (2), and Haoxing Zhang (1) ; (1) The 50th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Chian;
(2) Fudan University, China
D08 Numerical simulation on the effect of the thickness of the absorbing layer on the spectral response characteristics for GaAs-based blocked impurity band (BIB) terahertz detectors ; Xiaodong Wang (1), Yulu Chen (1), Bingbing Wang (1), Chuansheng Zhang (1), Xiaoyao Chen (2), and Haoxing Zhang (1) ; (1) The 50th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, China ;
(2) Fudan University, China
D09pd Efficient Absorption Enhancement Approaches for AlInAsSb Avalanche Photodiodes for 2-um Applications ; Dekang Chen, Keye Sun, Andrew H. Jones, and Joe C. Campbell ; University of Virginia, United States (POST-DEADLINE POSTER)
Solar Cells and Photovoltaics
Device level modeling of intermediate band quantum dot solar cells ; Federica Cappelluti (1), Farid Elsehrawy (1), Alberto Tibaldi (1,2); (1) Politecnico di Torino, (2) IEIIT-CNR; Italy (invited)
SC02 Analysis and optimization of perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells by full opto-electronic simulation ; Urs Aeberhard (1), Roger Haeusermann (1), Andreas Schiller (1,2) Balthasar Bluelle (1) and Beat Ruhstaller (1,2) ; (1) Fluxim AG,(2) Zurich University of Applied Sciences; Switzerland
SC03 Microscopic approach to reciprocity and photon recycling in ultrathin solar cells ; Urs Aeberhard (1,2) ; (1) Fluxim AG, (2) ETH Zurich; Switzerland (Top-10 preview)
SC04 Electro-optical modeling for the design of semitransparent mixed bromide-chloride PSCs ; D. Rossi (1), F. Matteocci (1), A. Di Carlo (1,2), and M. Auf der Maur (1) ; (1) University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy; (2) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, ISM, Italy
SC05 Modeling of three-terminal heterojunction bipolar transistor solar cells ; Gemma Giliberti(1), Fabrizio Bonani(1), Antonio Marti (2), Federica Cappelluti (1) ; (1) Politecnico di Torino, Italy; (2) Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
SC06 Electrical modeling of heterojunction silicon solar cells including Indium-Tin-Oxide layers ; J. Balent, J. Krc, M. Topic ; University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Interpretation of a capacitance in polycrystalline solar cells: time domain simulations ; K. Wisniewski ; Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
SC08 The lateral photovoltage scanning method (LPS): Understanding doping variations in silicon crystals ; S. Kayser (1,2), N. Rotundo (1,3), J. Fuhrmann (1), N. Dropka (2) and P. Farrell (1) ; (1) WIAS Berlin, Germany; (2) IKZ Berlin, Germany; (3) UNIFI Florence, Italy
Quasi-3D Optimization of Grid Architecture for Photovoltaic Converters Using Solcore ; Veikka Nikander (1), Jianguo Wei (2), Arto Aho (1), Ville Polojarvi (1), Antti Tukiainen (1), and Mircea Guina (1) ; (1) Tampere University, Finland; (2) Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute Europe GmbH, Berlin
SC10 Plasmonic enhancement of light-harvesting efficiency in Perovskite solar cells embedding Ag nanorods ; Pengda Xiao (1), Tong Li (1), Yitai Zhu (1), Qingsong Liu (1), Yulong Ma (1), Qingzhu Wei (2), Yawei Kuang (1) ; (1) Changshu Institute ofTechnology, China; (2) Suzhou Talesun Solar Technologies Co., China
Light-Emitting Diodes
LED01 Optical resolution of light engine based on InGaN/GaN nanoLED arrays: toward a superresolved light source ; K. Kluczyk-Korch (1), A. Di Carlo (1,2), M. Auf der Maur (1) ; (1) University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy; (2) ISM-CNR, Italy (Top-10 Preview)
LED02 Luminescence and Internal Quantum Efficiency of Deep UV Light Emitting Diodes ; Friedhard Roemer and Bernd Witzigmann ; University of Kassel, Germany
LED03 Modeling of multi-electrode tapered quantum-dot superluminescent diode ; A. F. Forrest (1), M. A. Cataluna (1), M. Krakowski (2), and P. Bardella (3) ; (1) Heriot Watt University Edinburgh, UK; (2) III-V Lab, France; (3) Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Laser Diodes
Third Order Dispersion in Optical Time Delayed Systems: The case of Mode-Locked Vertical External-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers ; J. Javaloyes (1), C. Schelte (1), D. Hessel (2), S.V. Gurevich (2), P. Camelin (3), M. Marconi (3), G. Huyet (3), M. Giudici (3) ; (1) Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain; (2) University of Munster, Germany; (3) Univ. Cote d'Azur, France (Top-10 Preview)
A Functional Mapping for Passively Mode-Locked Semiconductor Lasers ; S.V. Gurevich (1), J. Javaloyes (2), C. Schelte (2) ; (1) University of Munster, Germany; (2) Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain
Modulation response of VCSELs: a physics-based simulation approach ; A. Gullino (1), A. Tibaldi (1,2), F. Bertazzi (1,2), M. Goano (1,2), M. Daubenschuz (3), R. Michalzik (4), P. Debernardi (2) ; (1) Politecnico di Torino, Italy; (2) CNR-IEIIT, Italy; (3) TRUMPF Photonic Components GmbH, Germany; (4) Ulm University, Germany
Modeling Tunnel Junctions for VCSELs: A Self-Consistent NEGF-DD Approach ; A. Tibaldi (1,2), A. Gullino (1), J. Gonzalez Montoya (1), M. Alasio (1), A. Larsson (3), P. Debernardi (2), M. Goano (1,2), M. Vallone (1), G. Ghione(1), E. Bellotti (4), and F. Bertazzi (1,2) ; (1) Politecnico di Torino, Italy; (2) CNR-IEIIT, Italy; (3) Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; (4) Boston Univ., USA
LD05 Optical Design Issues in Electrically Pumped Tunable Liquid-Crystal VCSELs ; A. Simaz (1), A. Tibaldi (1,2), B. Boisnard (3), T. Camps (3), F. Bertazzi (1, 2), M. Goano (1, 2), B. Reig (3), J.B. Doucet (3), V. Bardinal (3), and P. Debernardi (2)) ; (1) Politecnico di Torino, Italy; (2) CNR-IEIIT, Italy; (3) LAAS-CNRS, France
LD06 Numerical Study of Optical Frequency Combs in mid-IR Quantum Cascade Lasers: Effective Semiconductor Maxwell-Bloch Equations ; C. Silvestri (1), L. Columbo (1), M. Brambilla (2), M. Gioannini (1) ; (1) Politecnico di Torino,Italy; (2) Politecnico ed Universit`a degli Studi, Italy
LD07 Thermal Characterization of the Birefringence of Nematic Liquid Crystals for the Design of Widely-tunable LC-VCSELs ; Andrea Simaz (1,2), Benjamin Boisnard (1), Thierry Camps (1), Jean-Baptiste Doucet (1), Benjamin Reig (1), Alberto Tibaldi (2,3), Pierluigi Debernardi (3) and Veronique Bardinal (1) ; (1) Univ Toulouse, CNRS-LAAS, France; (2) Politecnico di Torino,Italy; (3) CNR-IEIIT c/o Politecnico di Torino,Italy
Jitter Reduction of Mode-Locked Hybrid Silicon Laser With Intra Cavity Filter ; Mohammad Shekarpour, Mohammad Hasan Yavari ; Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
Over 100 GHz 3-dB down Bandwidth by Direct Modulation of a Coupled Cavity DFB-LD due to Photon-Photon Resonance ; T. Numai ; Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Dynamic properties of two-state lasing quantum dot laser for external optical feedback resistant applications ; J. Duan (1), Y. Zhou (2), H. Huang (1), B. Dong (1), C. Wang (2), and F. Grillot (1,3) ; (1) Telecom Paris, France; (2) ShanghaiTech University, China; (3) The University of New-Mexico, USA
LD11pd Influence of Coulomb Scattering on the Coupling between Longitudinal Modes in Nitride Laser Diodes ; E. Kuhn, L. Uhlig, M. Wachs, U. T. Schwarz and A. Thraenhardt ; University of Chemnitz, Germany (POST-DEADLINE TALK)
Modeling Impact of Oxide Island on the Lasing of ARROW-VCSEL ; Maciej Dems and Marta Wieckowska ; Lodz University of Technology, Poland (POST-DEADLINE TALK)
Photonic Devices
Nanophotonic optical phased arrays: opportunities and limitations ; A. Cala' Lesina (1,2), D. Goodwill (3), E. Bernier (3), L. Ramunno (1), P. Berini (1,2) ; (1,2) University of Ottawa, Canada,
(3) Huawei Technologies Canada, Canada (invited) (preview)
S-shaped waveguide-induced asymmetry between counter-propagating modes in a racetrack resonator ; G. Giannuzzi (1), E. Ghillino (2), and P. Bardella (1) ; (1) DET, Politecnico di Torino, Italy; (2) Synopsys, United States
PD03 Modelling of photon recycling in optoelectronic devices using a transfer matrix method ; Andrea Bucciarelli, Daniele Rossi, Matthias Auf der Maur, Aldo Di Carlo ; University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Towards an efficient simulation framework for plasmonic organic hybrid E/O modulators ; A. Tibaldi, M. Ghomashi, F. Bertazzi, Marco Vallone, M. Goano, G. Ghione ; Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Design of a Broadband Integrated Notch Filter in Silicon Nitride ; C. Schweikert, N. Hoppe, R. Elster, T. Foehn, W. Vogel, M. Berroth ; University of Stuttgart, Germany
PD06 A Study on the Design of Integrated-Optic Biosensor based on the Power Coupling of Two Modes utilizing Si3N4 Rib-Optical Waveguides ; Hongsik Jung ; Hongik University, Korea
Supercontinuum generation with superior intrapulsecoherence in dispersion-tailored waveguides ; C. Mei (1), and G. Steinmeyer (2) ; (1) Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, Berlin, Germany; (2) Humboldt University Berlin, Germany (POST-DEADLINE TALK)
PD09pd Reflection Spectra Analysis and Optimization of Phase-modulated Waveguide-grating Reflectors ; R. Sefel (1), P. Nyakas (1), T. Karpati (1), G. Varga (1,2), and Y. Kawakita (3) ; (1) Furukawa Electric Institute of Technology Ltd., Hungary; (2) Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary; (3) Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., Japan (POST-DEADLINE POSTER)
PD10pd Statistical Analysis of Nonlinear Harmonic Distortions in Single Drive Mach Zhender Modulators ; Safana Alzoubi and Mohamed Shehata ; Damascus University, Syria (POST-DEADLINE POSTER)
PD11pd Tunable Polarization Splitter Based on Asymmetric Dual-core Liquid Photonic Crystal Fiber ; B. M. Younis, Mohamed Farhat O. Hameed , and S. S. A. Obayya ; Zewail City of Science and Technology, Egypt (POST-DEADLINE POSTER)
Integrated Systems
IS01 Scaled III-V optoelectronic devices on silicon ; P. Tiwari (1), S. Mauthe (1), N. Vico Trivino (1), P. Staudinger (1), M. Scherrer (1), P. Wen (1), D. Caimi (1), M. Sousa (1), H. Schmid (1), Q. Ding (2), A. Schenk (2) and K. E. Moselund (1) ; (1) IBM Research Zurich,(2) ETH Zurich; Switzerland
IS02 Shape Optimized Photonic Integrated Circuit for Optical Computing Applications ; G. Gaullier, K. Hassan, B. Charbonnier, Y. Thonnart, N. Lebbe, and A. Gliere ; Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France (Top-10 Preview)
IS03 Simulation of cascaded polarization-coupled systems of broad-area semiconductor lasers ; M. Radziunas (1), J. Montiel-Ponsoda (2), G. Garre-Werner (2), and V. Raab (3) ; (1) Weierstrass Institute, Berlin, Germany;
(2) Monocrom S.L., Spain; (3) Raab-Photonik GmbH, Germany
Optoelectronic III-V nanowire implementation of a neural network in a shared waveguide ; D. O. Winge (1), S. Limpert (1), H. Linke (1), M. T. Borgstrom (1), B. Webb (2), S. Heinze (1), A. Mikkelsen (1) ; (1) Lund University, Sweden; (2) University of Edinburgh, UK
IS05 Effect of Nonlinearities on Directed Optical Logic Gates Using Integrated Semiconductor Ring Lasers ; Arpit Khandelwal ; Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, India
Hybrid Electronic-Photonic Integrated Circuits: Hybrid FET-LET SRAM ; Antardipan Pal, Yong Zhang, and Dennis D. Yau ; University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA (POST-DEADLINE TALK)
Mathematical Methods
MM01 Green's function integral equation methods for modeling of optical devices ; Thomas Sondergaard ; Aalborg University, Denmark
Connecting numerical simulation and machine learning: How to bridge the gap between theory and reality? ; Joachim Piprek ; NUSOD Institute, USA
(Top-10 Preview)
Comparison of Scharfetter-Gummel Schemes for (Non-)Degenerate Semiconductor Device Simulation ; D. Abdel, J. Fuhrmann, and P. Farrell ; WIAS Berlin, Germany (Top-10 Preview)
Completely Positive Trace Preserving Methods for the Lindblad Equation ; M. Riesch, A. Pikl, C. Jirauschek ; Technical University of Munich, Germany
Project Skeletons for Scientific Software ; M. Riesch, M. Haider, C. Jirauschek ; Technical University of Munich, Germany
MM06 Tight binding parameterization through particle swarm optimization algorithm ; A. Di Vito (1), A. Pecchia (2), M. Auf der Maur (1), and A. Di Carlo (1,3) ; (1) University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy; (2) CNR-ISMN, Italy; (3) CNR-ISM, Italy