Connecting Theory and Application of Optoelectronic Devices  
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8-12 July 2019
Ottawa, Canada

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Invited Talks

MA1 Freeform inverse design in photonics by re-thinking the questions;
Zin Lin and Steven G. Johnson; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

MB1 Algorithmic Design of Nanophotonic Structures;
Eric Johlin; Western University, Canada

TuB1 Understanding Fundamental Material Limitations to Enable Advanced Detector Design;
Enrico Bellotti (1), F. Bertazzi (2), J. Bajaj (3), J. Schuster (3) and M. Reed (3); (1) Boston University, USA; (2) Politecnico di Torino, Italy; (3) US Army Research Laboratory, USA

TuC1 Multiscale Electrothermal Simulation of Quantum Cascade Laser Operation;
Irena Knezevic; University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA

WB1 2D materials for optoelectronic devices;
M. Bieniek (1,2), L. Szulakowska (1), Pawel Hawrylak (1) ; (1) University of Ottawa, Canada; (2) Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland

ThB1 Machine learning design of subwavelengh integrated photonic devices;
Daniele Melati, Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli, Yuri Grinberg, Siegfried Janz, Jens H. Schmid, Pavel Cheben, and Dan-Xia Xu; National Research Council, Canada

ThC1 Simulation of nanophotonic nonlinear metasurfaces;
Antonino Cala Lesina, Pierre Berini, and Lora Ramunno; University of Ottawa, Canada


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